If Your Friends Call You Crazy, Don’t Sweat It

“I’m not going to law school.”

When I first told a friend what I planned to do, he asked if I needed clinical help.

“I don’t want to wait around,” I said. “I hate sitting in a classroom and I want to start something now.”

Before the words even left my mouth I knew we were on different wavelengths. 

He had just finished his first year at one of the most prestigious law schools in the country. His course was charted already. He was comfortable in it. I wasn’t. I didn’t know what I wanted.

I needed a big challenge and I wanted something that sounded impressive to me. That’s it. 

I felt confident I could scratch those itches cheaper. I hated the idea of amassing a huge debt load in exchange for 3.5 years of suffering in an artificially-lit lecture hall. Even the lucrative salary prospect didn’t bring me comfort. 

I was searching for a solution. It didn’t have to pay big. But it had to be exciting. It had to challenge me. And it had to lead to something I felt worthy of my time and energy.

To be continued…